A “Year in Review” post just for this newsletter would be a rather short one, as I’ve only been in the newsletter business for 2 months. But there were definitely highlights from the other ten months on Twitter, so I’ll recap November and December here on the newsletter and then share some of the top tweets from the past year too!
Jokien with Tolkien Highlights
In November I began this newsletter! On the 15th I set up shop here and shared a short introductory post.
I’d considered Substack before, but the seemingly immanent demise of Twitter (which inspired wave after wave of goodbyes that reminded me of the endings of The Return of the King) was what gave me the push I needed to begin writing here.
December is where things here really kicked into gear here with Jokien with Tolkien. I collected some of my favorite Lord of the Rings and Christmas Carols mashups, gave 10 Reasons The Lord of the Rings is a Christmas Movie, and shared some of my favorite things from December.
Twitter Highlights 2022
January—remember Wordle?

February—a daily prayer

March—it’s ok, I can make this joke since I only have five jokes and only two of them are funny

April—look, I’ve read other books too
May—NFTs? yeah, I love Niles Frasier Teamups


October—He’s our only hope



Happy New Year! Looking forward to continuing this venture in the coming months with you all. Thanks for subscribing, thanks for reading, and thanks for your support!